How to design a digital-change experience that sticks

Organisations need to rethink change, embracing it with a digital mindset that will empower their employees to adapt.
Singapore maintains work-from-home as default option

Under current safe management measures, peak-hour travel on public transport in January has risen by 11%, compared to November 2020.
Teleworking rate in Japan remains low despite government urge

The proportion of teleworkers fell to 22% in mid-January, from 31.5 % in May 2020, when the country was under its first state of emergency.
Skills training needed to meet targeted labour demand in Thailand

The training programmes may also need to focus on promoting livelihoods and self-employment skills in rural areas, said the World Bank
Japanese politician proposes 4-day work week

Member of the Japan House of Councillors Kuniko Inoguchi is backing a bill that would give workers a four-day work week.
Hong Kong government plans to increase number of statutory holidays

Labour minister Law Chi-Kwong said the proposal to gradually increase the number of statutory holidays from 12 to 17 by 2030 is “most acceptable”.
Skills development key for SEA workers to move into new jobs

There are large potential returns to be reaped by businesses, stemming from productivity increases from fourth industrial revolution tech, says ADB.
Malaysia steps up delivery of Permai package

The Social Security Organisation (Socso) has committed to the quick implementation of the Permai financial package.
More South Korean workers are working two jobs

Among new recruits last December, some 407,000 people had experience working at a second job, data shows.
Trade bodies in Singapore support fair hiring and employment practices

Twenty-nine organisations from the Trade Associations & Chambers (TACs) have pledged their support for fair hiring and employment practices.
India proposes WFH for manufacturing industry

The government is considering whether some activity under the manufacturing sector should also have the flexibility to work from home (WFH).
Australian companies deploy hybrid work model

Australia’s Commonwealth Bank intends to keep a hybrid model of staff working from the office and home.
Crucial to protect workers’ rights as teleworking becomes the norm: UN

Problems facing workers who work from home and their employers need greater attention, including the rights and risks involved, says the ILO.
Flexi work arrangements can improve employees’ mental health

In Singapore, as more employees head back to the office, giving them more flexibility over work arrangements can boost their mental well-being.
Malaysian unions urge government to prevent retrenchments as MCO starts

The Malaysian Trades Union Congress had previously proposed emergency employment laws to be enacted to prevent businesses from retrenching workers.
Health and safety are at the heart of business continuity

John Sumser explains why organisations need to priortise health and safety as they explore approaches to create business continuity.
Singapore seeks to raise wages of bottom-rung workers

Senior minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said the country needs to raise the salaries of workers at the bottom of the ladder.
Josh Bersin: 5 positive lessons HR learned in 2020

Looking ahead to 2021, global industry analyst and dean of the Josh Bersin Academy, Josh Bersin, highlights some of the key lessons HR learnt in 2020.
Japan’s education ministry posts job openings at schools for pandemic-hit workers

Corporate workers can now search for jobs at schools in a new section of the education ministry’s website.
Some Malaysian employers cover up status of staff infected by COVID-19

Fearing that their businesses will not be able to operate at full capacity, some employers remained silent about staff testing positive for the virus.
Employers should hire and train mature workers, eliminate bias

The country aims to tap into the Singapore workforce, instead of relaxing its foreign worker policy, says minister.
Jason Averbook: Why 2021 is the year of ‘Re-‘

The year 2021 represents an opportunity for organisations to rethink many of their processes and practices.
People-centric Sime Darby Property leads employees with mental health awareness at the forefront

Malaysia’s leading property developer sees their employees’ mental wellbeing as a priority.
How HR can make a successful shift into 2021

HRM Asia talks to some of the leading HR thought leaders on how organisations can make a successful transition into 2021.
3 tips for managing long-term remote work

With more organisations making remote work permanent, here are a few things to keep in mind, writes HRE’s Jen Colletta.
Malaysia requires employers to provide quarantine centres for foreign workers

Employers will also be responsible for medical costs and ensuring the welfare of their foreign workers.
Taiwan sees weekly drop in furloughed workers

The government expects the number to drop further, with the upcoming Lunar New Year boosting domestic demand and businesses.
What are the key concerns for HR in 2021?

After a largely difficult and uncertain 2020, HR faces the challenge of reinvigorating employees, as well as helping their organisations develop strategies that will ensure success in 2021.
Australian education and employer bodies call on adaptability for the future workplace

Australians need to change what, when and how they learn to prepare for the workplace of the future.
Employees in Singapore not getting COVID-19 vaccine not obliged to change duties

Workers who are not vaccinated will not need to have a change of job scope, says health minister.