How employees grow with the business at Schroders Singapore

Daniel Tam, Head of HR at Schroders Singapore, chats further about how the organisation ensures that employees can grow with the business.
By: | March 29, 2019
Topics: Features | Singapore

Don’t forget to check out Part One of this story, where  Daniel Tam, Head of HR, Schroders Singapore, spoke about the investment firm’s local talent challenges and strategies.


What is your HR team prioritising in 2019?

Starting off 2019, one of our key focus is around an age-old question HR practitioners have been tackling: how do we empower managers to facilitate an environment in which employees thrive?

In addition to the trainings and support we provide for managers, we will launch our Manager Expectations Campaign which provides managers with a toolkit on how they can set their teams up for success.

Throughout the year, we will have consistent check-ins with managers to educate them on different aspects of the toolkit and guide them on how they can best apply it within their teams.

The campaign not only seeks to develop managers but also supports the development of our people by getting managers to ask the right questions.


How do you encourage your employees to grow with you?

Giving our employees the tools and resources to enable them to develop their careers as fully as possible is one of the key ways in which we retain our staff so successfully.

Giving our employees the tools and resources to enable them to develop their careers as fully as possible is one of the key ways in which we retain our staff so successfully.

We’ve set up a CareerCENTRE where employees are encouraged to use the resources housed on that platform to reflect on personal values and aspirations and work with their managers to create their personal development plans.

Through these plans, we encourage employees to identify the steps required in order to develop their career, and facilitate the execution of these steps by offering various resources through learning and development, coaching or mentoring.

In order to facilitate coaching and mentoring within the organisation, we’ve launched a new mentoring platform, which spans across all of our geographical locations.

The platform allows junior and mid-level employees to connect with senior stakeholders across the globe to encourage the sharing of career advice, experiences and life skills.

With more millennials in the workforce, we are also encouraging reverse mentoring to help promote a more cohesive inter-generational workforce.


How do rewards and recognition programmes complement the above strategies?

Schroders believes that recognition and rewards are key in driving performance and values which the firm upholds.

The main objective of our Compensation and Benefits strategy is to share the company’s success with our employees.

This is why in addition to a competitive basic salary and bonus, we offer flexible, tailor-made extended benefit programmes.

These include for example, our signature Schroder Retirement Benefit Plan, which supports our employees in their long-term retirement plan where the firm makes a monthly contribution to the employees’ pension account.

Our flexible benefits policy, MyBenefits, allows employees to customise their benefits plan, according to their healthcare, family and lifestyle needs.

Employees and eligible dependents will be provided with a suite of benefits to ensure that a fundamental level of protection is in place, whilst at the same time allowing the flexibility of changing benefit options as and when required.

Schroders also operates an employee recognition scheme, which gives employees the opportunity to nominate people within the business whom they believe have gone above and beyond in their role and deserve special recognition.

All feedback on nominations is shared with managers, to ensure that they have full visibility of the nominees’ hard work.

Those who are selected will receive a personal message from our Global CEO, an extra day of annual leave and a donation of £500 from Schroders to a charity of their choice.