Indonesia boosts employee wellbeing with Fridays off

The initiative from the Indonesian government offers employees two long weekends monthly to emphasise wellbeing in the workforce.

Employees in state-owned organisations in Indonesia are set to experience improved work-life balance and mental wellbeing with the introduction of a new initiative by the government. Under this initiative, employees will have the option to take Fridays off through a compressed working schedule, provided they fulfil a 40-hour workweek requirement.

Erick Thohir, Indonesia’s Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, said, “We encourage the implementation of the compressed working schedule programme. If they have worked for more than 40 hours, they have the option to take Fridays off.”

The initiative allows employees to enjoy a long weekend twice a month and is designed to address the growing concerns surrounding mental health in the workforce. Thohir highlighted that approximately 70% of the younger generation faces mental health problems, underscoring the importance of initiatives that prioritise employee wellbeing.

He further emphasised that while Indonesia is already experiencing the results of state enterprises’ transformation, it is not the time to be complacent. “Challenges are increasing, and we need solutions and innovations that can provide a better life for all state enterprise stakeholders,” he said.

As of October 2023, there are 65 organisations registered as state-owned enterprises in Indonesia, representing a decrease from 142 organisations in 2019, reported Jakarta Globe. Despite this reduction, the total workforce within these organisations amounts to 1.6 million employees.

READ MORE: Australia considers four-day workweek trials for civil servants

In a LinkedIn poll conducted by HRM Asia in August 2023, 64% of respondents believe a four-day workweek is feasible and indicates a positive inclination towards alternative work arrangements that prioritise wellbeing and productivity. However, 15% of respondents expressed concerns about its practicality, while 20% remained unsure and sought more understanding of the potential impact and challenges before forming a definitive opinion.

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