Have your say: Shaping the future of HR technology

The 27th HR Systems Survey invites HR professionals to voice their opinions on HR tech products, vendor services, and overall satisfaction.

Driven by advancements in technology, shifts in workforce dynamics, and evolving business needs, transformation is afoot in the HR industry.

As organisations continue to define their strategies to thrive in an evolving world of work, Sapient Insights Group, a leading voice in HR research and advisory services, has opened its 27th HR Systems Survey to all HR professionals.

The annual study, recognised as the industry’s most comprehensive independent analysis of the global HR technology landscape, will take a deep dive into the latest HR tech trends, insights, and analysis across organisations of all sizes and industries.

Stacey Harris, Chief Research Officer and Managing Partner, Sapient Insights Group, said, “What makes this research unique is that it truly represents the voice of the HR customer. Each year buyers share feedback on their experience and vendor relationship with over 200 HR tech solutions, while forecasting plans for future adoption or expected changes.”

“Last year’s survey garnered more than 6,000 responses from individuals spanning 2,500 unique companies and 52 different countries, offering an unmatched view of what’s really happening in the world of HR. And based on early indications, this year’s report stands to be even bigger.”

This year’s survey will include questions that aim to mark the HR community’s progress toward playing a larger strategic role in the business; separate hype from reality on the rise of AI in the workplace and how the technology is actually being used; identify primary buyers and key influencers across various HR tech categories; understand the factors that drive churn in critical application areas like payroll, workforce management, and learning; and access the impact of double-digit increases in HR systems adoption.

Focus on APAC: Challenges and opportunities abound

As it has done for many years, the latest edition of the HR Systems Survey will place a spotlight on the latest developments in the Asia-Pacific HR market.

Last year’s survey, for example, found that organisations headquartered in the Asia-Pacific region are facing the most significant gaps in the availability of skilled labour and critical talent due in part to the region’s economic success.

In fact, over a three-year period, Sapient Insight Groups Annual HR Systems research found that Asia-Pacific organisations saw markedly reduced annual outcomes in their ability to retain and attract top talent, while 42% still have plans for increasing their hiring over pre-pandemic numbers.

READ MORE: No Normal: How the business of HR shifted from tactical to strategic

Harris said, “Many Asia-Pacific organisations are looking to HR technology as a valuable tool to help acquire and retain a growing number of employees, allowing them to both increase HR efficiencies and colleague collaboration.

“Over the last three years, we have seen the average Asia-Pacific organisation’s per-employee spending on HR technology increase threefold, and the percentage of organisations with at least one HR application in use jump from 50% to 75% in our last annual survey.”

To gain more insights into how the HR tech landscape is evolving and to add your voice in shaping the future of HR tech, click here to participate in the survey, which ends on 26 June 2024.

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