HRM Five: New Year’s resolutions for HR

New year, new HRM Five! In this edition, we talk new year's resolutions for the HR set.
By: | January 7, 2018

HRM Five offers five important points on everything you wanted to know about HR practices today, but were too afraid to ask. Check out previous editions of HRM Five here.


We’ve entered a new year, and there is no better time than now to take a look at what you can improve on as HR practitioners this business year, in terms of supporting and delivering better business outcomes for your organisations.

Here are five items you can include on your resolutions list. Even if you don’t believe in making resolutions, these points could still come in handy one day.


1. Keep abreast of industry developments

As professionals in a function that’s constantly changing, it is important that you read up on the latest HR trends, news and insights so that you stay well-informed and equipped to continue doing your job well.

One way to do this in 2018 is to regularly read expert talent management articles on your favourite HR websites, as well as attend more industry conferences such as the HR Summit Expo & Asia and Smart Workforce Summit.


2. Conduct regular knowledge stock-takes

Like spring cleaning during Chinese New Year – a process where old stuff is thrown out to make space for the new – HR practitioners should also clean out their knowledge bank, except on a quarterly basis, or even more frequently, if possible.

This way, they are able to review and reinforce existing information, discard those no longer relevant, and make space for newer concepts.


3. Practice consistent communication

Getting leadership buy-in for initiatives and programmes continues to be the key for HR this year. However, as the saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day”.

As HR, having that one big annual conversation with business leaders to sell your ideas is simply not going to work in bringing them to your side. Try meeting up with the senior management team (even your own Head of HR) every month, or every quarter at the least, and keep them in the loop of your plans.

As one CEO once told us, revolutionary ideas are always better introduced in small doses.

4. Network, network, network

The HR function is “industry-agnostic”, so to speak. HR professionals don’t need to be in the same industry to forge a connection, and that’s great for sharing experiences and insights across different circumstances. Don’t just exchange name cards at conferences – platforms like LinkedIn are a great way to keep in touch with your fellow HR professionals, see what they’re up to, and to make sure you don’t get left behind the general HR buzz.


5. Step out of your comfort zone

HR professionals often find themselves caught up in fighting everyday fires. Finding the time to try something new and different can be both challenging and daunting. But in a tech-driven era where change is the only constant, a willingness to experiment and innovate can make or break an organisation. So why not consider making time for a few projects this

If you haven’t already, please do check out our printable 2018 calendar, which will help you keep track of the year as it progresses.

All the best for 2018 — and whatever resolutions you do (or don’t!) choose to go with, good luck!