HRM Five: Tips for hiring the right person
- Daniel Teo
- Topics: Features, Home Page - Features, HRM Five, Recruitment

It’s easy to hire someone. It’s another thing to hire the right person for the job.
The entire hiring process can be a frustrating, time consuming and even costly one. An urgent need to fill a position could lead an employer to rush into getting someone in as soon as possible.
That often leads to hiring the wrong person whose attitude and skills – or a lack of it – could end up being a mismatch for your company. And that is something which could be prevented and spotted.
While finding the right talent shouldn’t take forever, it’s important for employers to improve their hiring process so as to maximise their chances of landing the perfect candidate for the role and the company.
Here are some tips that you can use the next time you look to hire someone. You can thank us later.
1) Define the job clearly
Nothing could be worst than hiring someone who does not know fully what is required of him in the job he applied for. So the first and perhaps most important part of hiring is to define the job scope and responsibilities as clear and accurate in your job posting. This will allow the candidates to have a better idea if he or she is suited and capable for the role before applying for it, thus improving the quality of applications.
2) Prescreen your candidates
Another way to avoid wasting time on the wrong candidates is to prescreen them before inviting them down for an interview. While a candidate may look good on paper, a prescreening interview over the phone will tell you if they are truly a fit with the job. You can also find out their salary expectations and overall attitude.
3) Review credentials and qualifications carefully
In this increasingly digital world, where most – if not all – candidates apply for jobs online. And there are some who will try to game the system by being dishonest about their qualifications and credentials. So it’s important to perform a thorough reference check to ensure the person you are hiring is indeed as qualified as he or she claims to be.
4) Ask the right job interview questions
So you invited the candidate down for an interview. This is probably the best chance for you to determine whether he or she is the right person for the role. And the only way to do it is to ask the right questions. Asking the wrong questions not only waste the time of both parties, it could lead you to making the wrong judgement. So make sure your interview questions are aligned with the role to get the most accurate answers out of the candidate.
5) Get ‘social’ with your candidates
No, we are not asking you to invite your candidates for a drink or be their friend – yet. With practically everyone having a social media presence in this digital age, you can easily do a search of their profile – be it on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. This will give you an insight of the candidate’s personality and if he or she fits the culture of the company.