Japanese airlines now accept male cabin crew

At two of Japan's airline carriers, men are being wood for careers in the traditionally female-dominated profession of cabin crew.
By: | December 31, 2018
Topics: DE&I | Japan | News | Recruitment


At both of Japan’s two major airlines, Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways, only 1% of flight attendants are men. According to a Japan Today report however, this could change in the near future.

Men are being wood for careers in the traditionally female-dominated profession.

Male air stewards are now being hired to deal with passengers who misbehave, and also to help passengers with physically-demanding tasks such as dealing with carry-on luggage.

Ito said combining both male and female flight attendants will further improve the carriers’ services.

At present, Star Flyer employs 160 cabin crew – eight of whom are men (5%). The carrier plans to hire six more attendants by next summer.