Meet leading HR technology providers at HR Festival Asia 2019
- HRM Asia Newsroom
HR Festival Expo: Meet our exhibitors! |
The region’s most reputable HR solutions providers will be at HR Festival Asia 2019, engaging with the Asia-Pacific HR community at the HR Festival Expo.
The Expo is at the centre of all activity at HR Festival Asia, and it will host more than 150 solution providers – including ADP, Nalantis, Androgogic, and many more.
HR and business leaders will have the opportunity to receive expert insights on how to select the right technology for their organisations, and to better understand the current and future technology landscape.
Get up close with HR Tech
Significantly, the more than 150 exhibitors will be right next to the leading-edge HR Tech conference, which looks set to reveal all the latest on how companies can leverage the upcoming technologies that are taking over the business conversation.
Expo delegates will also have exclusive access to content from the globally-renowned Women in Tech event – as well as the ever-popular Power Talks, where more than 20 experts will deliver bite-sized learning on a variety of topics, including leadership, talent management, and professional development.