More jobs to be created for locals in the Philippines
- Claire Lee
- Topics: Home Page - News, News, Philippines, Recruitment

The Philippines government and the private sector are committed to create more jobs for locals as the country recovers from the impact of the pandemic on the economy.
Foreign direct investments (FDIs) that the Philippines secured last year would generate more employment, said Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Ramon Lopez, reports Philippine News Agency.
The country recorded its highest FDI net inflows last year, amounting to US$10.52 billion, leading to an improved ranking to the fourth place from the sixth spot in Southeast Asia.
Early last year, the government also launched the National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS), which it hopes will be able to create more jobs.
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Last May, NERS aimed to create 1 million jobs. “My recollection is about 980,000 jobs has already been created, the bulk of which actually are coming from the construction and IT-BPM (information technology and business process management), and now the recovering tourism and the restaurant sectors as well as we are reopening that particular sector,” said Lopez.