Philippines partners ILO to boost worker productivity and employability

ILO will oversee the creation of training materials and provide capacity building for the national trainers endorsed by DOLE.

The Philippines’ Department of Labour and Employment (DOLE) has partnered the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to boost the productivity and employability of micro, small and medium enterprises and the informal economy.

“The ILO will partner with DOLE, workers and employers to promote safe and healthy workplaces, as well as to provide digital business development and financial services,” said Director Khalid Hassan of the Country Office for the Philippines, according to Journal Online

The ILO programme — funded by the government of Japan — will promote occupational safety and health, strengthen digital skills and entrepreneurship, and expand access to internet connectivity and co-working spaces for enterprises and vulnerable workers nationwide.

ILO will oversee the creation of training materials and provide capacity building for the national trainers endorsed by DOLE and other project partners, and monitor the training of entrepreneurs.

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DOLE will support the running of the training programmes, lead the project’s governance mechanism, and sustain the interdisciplinary knowledge management system.

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