HRM Asia’s Top Stories for July, 2018

Catch up on's top stories for July 2018. They include a post-Pink Dot report on LGBTQ workers in Singapore, and an interview with Cirque du Soleil.
By: | August 1, 2018

5. Six future banking roles, according to HSBC

Good news – while artificial intelligence has been touted as the new frontier of business, a new HSBC report has discovered that human intelligence will still trump robotics when it comes to the workplace. It talks through six of the newfangled roles we can anticipate in the digital future.


4. Managing the workforce of the future is no circus act

In this exclusive interview, HRM Magazine Asia finds out more about how entertainment company Cirque du Soleil uses technology to stay on top of its workforce challenges.


3. Transforming employee experiences with digital document workflows

In this exclusive Q&A, Chandra Sinnathamby, Head of Adobe Document Cloud, Asia-Pacific, talks about what the world of work could look like without paper-based processes. He explains that digitising document workflow is a first step to achieving fully-digital user journeys.


2. Post-Pink Dot report: How do Singapore employers view LGBTQ workers?

Diversity and inclusion remain top priorities of organisations everywhere, but how inclusive and accepting are they of LGBTQ employees today? Journalist Kelvin Ong takes a look in this exclusive commentary.


1. Artificial intelligence’s impact on HR

The robot revolution poses both opportunities and challenges for the human resource management function. In this commentary, Paul Findlay, Managing Director, PD Training, talks about how HR can remain relevant in the AI revolution.