Cambodia trials work-from-home for one week

Prime Minister Hun Sen has issued a directive for all government institutions and the legislative body to adopt work-from-home practices for one week.  

“This is not the total institutional shutdown, but a reduction of personnel present at the workplace to at least 90%,” the prime minister said. This means only 10% of their staff would need to report to their workplaces for one week. 

For the private sector, if possible, companies should reduce the number of staff at workplaces and stagger their time spent there to minimise congestion in the workplace and on the street, he said. 

The trial will last for seven days after which more information will be available. 

Hun Sen gave these instructions after 50 new COVID-19 infections were detected in the capital city of Phnom Penh, Preah Sihanouk, Prey Veng and Kandal provinces on the evening of March 8.  

However, he emphasised that “this order is only for the civil institutions. For the armed forces and health staff, they need to continue their work as usual”. 

READ: Cambodia’s manufacturing and service sectors create the most jobs

The prime minister has also asked provincial authorities in Preah Sihanouk to further tighten the movement of the population there without obstructing the import and export of goods. 

Hun Sen said this latest directive is not meant to shut down markets and factories, but to increase vigilance and ensure strict adherence to health safety rules, according to Khmer Times. 

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