Business leaders continue to shut out HR
- Justin Harper
- Topics: Asia-Pacific, Home Page - News, News, Singapore, Talent Management

Getting that ‘’seat at the table’’ for HR has become more difficult rather than easier in Asia.
Research from KellyOCG Asia-Pacific shows that only 34% of C-suite leaders engaged HR at the point of business strategy development this year.
Despite the best efforts of the HR profession to position itself as more strategic, the opposite is happening. For 2017 and 2018, the number of C-suite leaders engaging HR when developing business strategy was much higher at 53%.
Business leaders in Singapore saw a bigger fall with only 26% engaging HR for business strategy development, down from 56% last year.
KellyOCG Asia-Pacific’s Workforce Agility Report also explored the key forces that are impacting talent management as worker preferences change and organisations become more agile.
One of these forces is the growth in contingency workers (gig workers) as a key talent source. More than half of business leaders (58%) in Asia Pacific now partner with contingent workers to increase talent supply and tackle talent shortages.
C-suite leaders in Singapore saw the highest growth of contingent workers in the region. KellyOCG defines contingent workers as freelancers, independent contractors, micropreneurs, small-business owners and temporary or contract workers.