Flexible work the new compact for employees in Singapore
As Singapore’s national confederation of trade unions, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is currently developing a new compact for employees with a focus on flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and younger employees.
Specifically, NTUC will be looking to better define the types of work and salaries to help specific groups such as caregivers. Speaking with CNA, Ng Chee Meng, Secretary-General of NTUC, expressed empathy for the needs of working mothers, who face stress from work, career, and family obligations, and said, “We think that FWAs, structured and flexible, in a more negotiable fashion with employers and where both sides have a good understanding of what FWA means (and) how we can tailor needs, would be very helpful.”
Youths are another important target group for NTUC to focus on, with Ng identifying that the labour movement in Singapore has traditionally underserved this segment. To this end, NTUC has engaged with around 10,000 young people to hear their views on how to create better career opportunities, workplace adaptation, finances, and mental wellbeing. He further highlighted that NTUC also engages employees across a broad spectrum, including ex-inmates, and is looking at ways to facilitate their re-entry into the workforce.
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“I think we are making good progress in the employees compact, but there will be some coordination needed as we finalise and consolidate the report. We want to share this with our tripartite partners, both the employers and very importantly, the government,” Ng concluded.