Malaysia employees who work from home must be paid in full

Employees who are required to work from home during the conditional movement control order (CMCO) must be paid their full salaries.

Employers in Malaysia must pay the full salary of their employees who work from home during the conditional movement control order (CMCO).

The Malaysian government had announced that workers involved in management and supervision work in the industrial and public sectors must work from home throughout the CMCO period. The work from home order begins on October 22.

It also added that 10% of senior staff from the finance, administration, legal and IT departments in a company were allowed to work in their offices from 10am to 2pm for a maximum of three days a week.

Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan said that employers are also not allowed to force workers to use their annual leave or unpaid leave during this period.

“Following the work from home order, the Human Resources ministry would like to stress that salary payments must be made as usual,” he warned.

“Employers should not force or direct employees to use their annual leave or take unpaid leave.

“This is in line with the order and statement issued by the ministry during the Movement Control Order in March,” he added.


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