More long-term PMET jobs available in Singapore
- Charles Chau
- Topics: Home Page - News, News, Recruitment, Restructuring, Singapore

This number forms 74% of the 123,000 available openings under MOM’s SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package as at end-October this year. The remaining 26% were company-hosted traineeships, attachments and training programmes.
Out of 70,550 long-term jobs, about 73% were PMET roles, while for the 20,790 short-term jobs, PMET roles form about 48%.
The top five sectors with available openings were: information & communications (21,000 openings), food services (11,300), professional services (11,000), manufacturing (10,800) and healthcare (7,200). The food services and retail sector accounted for the second-largest available openings due to the gradual re-opening of the local economy.
The government is also looking to boost the financial services sector, which accounts for about 13% of Singapore’s GDP and employs 170,000 workers. It has performed creditably this year despite challenges from the pandemic. In the first three quarters of this year, growth in the finance and insurance sector averaged 4.7%. About 1,900 jobs were created in the first half of 2020 with all of these going to locals.
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As at end-November, there are 5,200 available openings in the financial sector with more than 96% in PMET roles such as compliance, risk management, financial analysis, software development relationship management and data analysis, said MOM’s jobs situation report.