All organisations should have zero tolerance against workplace sexual harassment: Delhi High Court
- Claire Lee

The Delhi High Court has ruled that every organisation must not tolerate gender insensitivity, and that the law on sexual harassment at the workplace must be complied with.
“Sexual harassment is a serious issue that needs to be addressed at all work places urgently and sensitively. Women are valuable human resources. Their contribution in all spheres of life can never be belittled, whether at the home and hearth or away from it, in more impersonal office spaces,” said Justices Rajiv Sahai Endlaw and Asha Menon, according to the Economic Times.
“Now that there is a statute to protect women from sexual harassment at work place the law must be complied in letter and spirit,” they said.
They also added that gender conditioning, when a man develops a superiority complex, while a woman doubts her own capacity starts very early in life.
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“It need not be in the form of a tutorial, but certainly as subtle data to the minds of young children, about their privileges or lack of it,” they added.
“The privileges also come in the opportunities to develop personality, confidence, intelligence and skills. It is impossible not to notice all around us, how easily the ‘common woman’ is put down by the ‘common man’.”