Australia’s National Skills Passport looks to retrain, renew, and reskill

One of the key objectives of the new initiative is to promote lifelong learning amongst employees in Australia amongst a skill shortage.
By: | September 26, 2023

As part of efforts to help employees upskill any qualifications they may have while also helping businesses find more skilled employees, Australia is looking to introduce a National Skills Passport. This is in preparation of the Employment White Paper that is set to be released this week, and the government will be preparing a business case to define the scope, outcomes and benefits of a National Skills Passport.

The initiative will form part of the government’s efforts to promote lifelong learning, a key reform direction outlined in the Employment White Paper.

“For more and more employees in the future, their education won’t finish when they graduate school or complete their apprenticeship – they’ll need to continue to retrain, renew and reskill,” said Jim Chalmers, Treasurer. “Our goal is to make it easier for employees to have their qualifications recognised and easier for employers to find the well-trained, highly-qualified employees they need.

The government will consult businesses, unions, tertiary institutions, states and territories and students to scope an integrated National Skills Passport that better understand the needs and demands on different parties. 

The Government is committing AUD $9.1 million (USD $5.85 million) to support a business case and consultation to inform Government decision making around the National Skills Passport.

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“While our focus is on the skills shortages our economy is facing right now, we are also planning for the skills that will be needed in critical areas of emerging demand,” said Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Skills and Training.

“Ensuring students’ skills are recognised so they can upskill, reskill and find work as the economy changes, is crucial.”