DHL regional football tournament: “It’s like hosting our own World Cup”

More than 1,000 employees were flown into Singapore representing 23 countries for DHL’s football tournament.

As employee events go, the DHL AsiaCup is a pretty big one. This year’s tournament involved 23 countries, including teams from the logistic firm’s main hub, shared services centre and its regional office.

“DHL AsiaCup is like a mini World Cup, except that we also have cheerleading and cheer pom competitions. Teams train for months to prepare for the competition, and it really builds a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie,” said Mateen Thiruselvaam, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, DHL Express Asia Pacific.

Every year, each country conducts local try-outs for their teams and the final team is then sent on an all-expenses paid trip to Singapore to compete in the AsiaCup.

Team Pakistan won this year’s football tournament, while team Bangkok Hub won the Cheerleading competition and team Thailand won the Cheer Pom competition.

DHL Express has around 25,000 employees across Asia-Pacific. The company launched a digitalization programme called Strategy 2025 in November, and will invest more than a billion euros each year in employee training, infrastructure, and digitalization.

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