Looking to hire? Try turning to former employees
- Josephine Tan

Three-quarters of employees (75%) in Singapore are open to returning to their previous employers, with 80% of employers willing to rehire them without hesitation.
When considering a return to their previous employer, 46% of employees in Singapore cite better remuneration and career progression opportunities as significant factors. Another 23% stated they will consider returning if there were changes to the leadership or team structure. Notably, 25% of local respondents are more inclined to return if remuneration improved, surpassing the South-East Asia average of 19%.
A recent poll from Robert Walters also showed that 78% of employees in Singapore stay in contact with their previous managers, with 25% doing so primarily to keep doors open for potential future job opportunities. 27% have reached out to a previous employer in the past two years regarding job opportunities, with a further 20% saying they have not done so but intend to.
In terms of managers’ perspectives, more than 90% in Singapore are willing to consider rehiring ex-employees for suitable positions. 76% are open to the idea without reservations, while 20% are willing to do, albeit with some hesitation and caution. Only 3% of managers in Singapore will not rehire former employees, lower than the South-East Asia average of 9%.
READ MORE: Retrenchments in Singapore dip amidst modest employment growth
Toby Fowlston, CEO of Robert Walters, said, “Companies who are looking to hire can consider re-engaging with alumni, and train managers on holding a positive exit process as boomerang employees could well be a solution to skills shortage.”
“A key thing for employers is to manage the return of boomerang employees amongst existing employees—if someone is returning in a more senior position than when they left. A balance needs to be struck and employers should assess that they are doing all they can to open lines of opportunity within an organisation, or they risk sending a message that one route to promotion and better package is to take the boomerang route.”