Unlimited vacation time is becoming a trend
- HRM Asia Newsroom

Unlimited vacation time is becoming a more common perk in the modern workplace. With technology enabling more jobs to be “on” 24 hours a day, and employees placing greater value on work-life balance, the standard two to four weeks of vacation across western markets is becoming outdated.
A new report from jobs site Indeed highlights that the share of job postings advertising unlimited vacation time is rising fast.
US job postings with open or unlimited vacation rose from about 450 in every 1 million in May 2015, to nearly 1,300 postings per million in May, 2019.
That 178% increase has been borne largely by the technology sector in the US, where jobs for software engineers and data scientists are in high demand. These titles are up to eight more likely to offer unlimited vacation than other job advertisements.
But non-tech employers are also now getting in on the act. Four years ago, the non-tech share of these postings was 61%. But by May this year, the proportion had risen to 65%, the report found.