India, Indonesia and China employees most optimistic about their careers

Employees from the three Asia Pacific nations are the most optimistic in the world according to the LinkedIn Opportunity Index 2020.

Employees in India are the most optimistic about their careers compared to the rest of the world, ahead of their peers in Indonesia and China.

This is according to the LinkedIn Opportunity Index 2020 which surveyed more than 30,000 18 to 65-year-olds across 22 markets and gauged the challenges and opportunities affecting today’s workforce.

It measured the seven metrics of optimism such as the respondents’ outlook of the economy over the next 12 months, their financial situations, their quality of life and confidence in achieving success.

And India came up tops with a score of 121, which is well above the global average of 100, while Indonesia scored 117 China 116.

LinkedIn’s Opportunity Index 2020

Olivier Legrand, managing director of LinkedIn in Asia Pacific, believes the findings show that there’s confidence in the APAC region’s growth.

“Despite slowing economic growth in these developing markets, their people are confident in their markets’ economic growth potential, as well as improvements in their personal finances for the year,” Legrand told CNBC Make It.

“Likewise, the contrasting levels of optimism between developed and developing markets suggest that people in developed economies may believe that their market has reached a saturation point in terms of actual economic growth,” he added.

UAE, Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, United States, Malaysia and Canada make up the top ten. Singapore scored below the global average at 95 and came in 15th while Japan came in bottom with a score of 80.

“Respondents in Japan feel that their quality of life has dropped in comparison to their parents. This sentiment may be one of the factors that has contributed to their less optimistic outlook on future economy and opportunities,” Legrand added.

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