Singapore launches tripartite standard for work-life balance

To help workers achieve a better work-life balance, the Tripartite Standard on Work-Life Harmony (TSWLH) has been launched.

The TSWLH is an initiative jointly developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower, National Trades Union Congress and Singapore National Employers Federation with proposals to further promote work-life balance for workers. 

In addition to recommendations already in place in some companies, like having family days, subsidised health screening and staff recreation areas, the tripartite standard also proposed flexible working arrangements to accommodate staff who are responsible for the caregiving of elderly or young family members. These include allowing them to telecommute, offering additional leave or having staggered times for starting and finishing work. 

The tripartite standard also advocated that employers set up policies to support workers’ mental health and prevent burnout from work. 

In order to facilitate the implementation of these recommendations, employers are encouraged to designate a senior management member to oversee these programmes and have regular surveys or focus group discussions to review their effectiveness. 

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Minister of State for Manpower Gan Siow Huang said there was a need to review how employers and their workers could be better supported on the work-life harmony front. “In this new normal, Singaporeans are becoming more used to hybrid work, but are also increasingly concerned about the blurring of work-life boundaries, and hope to be able to juggle work and personal commitments better,” she said. 


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