Gender equality key to boost Cambodia’s economic output: ADB

Women are more likely to be in vulnerable employment and also more likely to be in the category of unpaid contributing family worker.
By: | March 12, 2021

Boosting gender equality by increasing job opportunities for women in Cambodia is crucial for the growth and advancement of economic and social development in the country, says Asian Development Bank (ADB) in a report.

“Economic growth in Cambodia has not yet translated into sufficient employment growth – and employment growth has not been inclusive for women,” said ADB, according to Khmer Times.  

“The share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector in Cambodia has increased, indicating improvements in gender equality in the labour market, although women have not reached parity with men,” the report added.

“Further, based on other measures such as the gender wage gap, gender inequality has increased.”

The report also noted that “women are more likely to be in vulnerable employment and also more likely to be in the category of unpaid contributing family worker, which offers the least opportunities for decent work.”

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However, ADB also found that the attitudes toward providing decent work to both men and women, regardless of ethnicity and class, continue to be ambiguous and complex because the issue touches on societal values that are steeped in culture, religion, politics and economics.