RCA2018: Best Talent Development Provider
- HRM Asia Newsroom

Continually building and upskilling talent across industries, markets, and organisations is a big task. But Joseph Wong, founder and behavioural transformation coach with TrainingGearAsia, says there are some common skills that all professionals need to build, develop, and continually practice in order to have success in their working lives.
“The talent and HR industry is certainly undergoing a major revamp at the moment,” Wong notes. “That is changing the way we look at talent, resources, and also flexibility.”
That is also where the self-described “Talent Development and Behavioural Transformation House” of TrainingGearAsia plays a vital role. Wong says that with every engagement the company receives, the aim is to shift mindsets, shape emotions, and sharpen performance. The typical programme will also highlight the importance of influence in modern-day organisations, with Wong noting that at least 80% of time at work requires staff to influence others in some way. “Influence is about moving people from their natural urge to resist into a commitment minds,” he said.
Wong says he was extremely honoured and grateful to be recognised in the Talent Development category for the third year running. “We will continue to put our time and resources into appreciative clientele, so that we can work in partnership with one another to accelerate success,” he said.